Application Instructions

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The On-line Study Abroad Application is to be completed only by those individuals wishing to apply to the American University in Cairo for the Study Abroad Program. A study abroad applicant will attend AUC as a visiting student and will enroll in courses with the intent of transferring the credit earned at AUC to another university from which the student will earn a degree. At AUC the student will have non-degree status. Please consult the current catalog for detailed admission criteria.


We will make reasonable attempts to contact you via email on missing credentials. Please make certain that the email address you provide us will accept messages from AUC. This may require you to adjust your spam blocker or address book to accept messages from

Visa requirements

A tourist visa is necessary for entry into Egypt. To apply for a tourist visa, you must hold a passport valid for up to three months beyond the end of your program. If you do not have a valid passport, you should apply for one immediately. If you wait until an admission decision is made, you may not be able to obtain your passport in time to travel to Egypt. AUC cannot be responsible for the denial of a tourist or student visa by the Egyptian Government to a person admitted to the University. Check with the Egyptian Consulate serving your area if you believe the Government of Egypt may refuse to issue you a tourist and later a student visa.

Send all credentials through email to or mail them via courier to the following address:

The American University in Cairo
International Programs Office
AUC Avenue, P.O. Box 74
New Cairo 11835, Egypt

No student should come to Egypt to attend the American University in Cairo without a formal letter of acceptance. If a student cannot attend the semester to which they are granted admission, they may request a deferment of the admission offer to the next semester only. Applications and credentials are held one year.

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